
Amulet is a very basic form of creating, and traditional way on expressing and conveying messages that go beyond words. By doing so, not only it helps to build the bridge of blessing between the audiences and residents, but also allow these residents to share their words of life and story with everyone.

Pop-Up Noise! Soul Searching

(This is a site-specific group exhibition, exploring the ideas of space, memory and time while drawing inspiration from the community)

Chinatown, 2016

In this experimental edition of Pop-Up Noise: Soul Searching, Chinatown’s rich stories inspire contemporary artistic responses from visual art to interactive performances. First presented to the residents of Kreta Ayer Square, these artworks revive the experiences of a generation in a space that witnessed Singapore’s rapid progress and transformation. Join our young artists on this journey of discovery as they reconnect with history.

这项《Pop-Up Noise:寻根究底》的实验性计划,即推出一系列视觉艺术和互动式演出的创作实验,皆由牛车水丰富多彩的故事所启发。作品将首度呈现给牛车水广场的居民,在这个见证了新加坡飞速发展与变化的空间里,让一个世代的经历逐渐苏醒。让我们和青年艺术家,一同踏上这趟寻根究底之旅,与历史邂逅、久别重逢。

Media Publication Link TODAY Newspaper, Singapore 2016
